""The Dule Tree of Cassillis"" is a historical novel written by William Robertson and published in 1903. The story is set in the 16th century in Scotland and revolves around the feud between the Cassillis and Kennedy families. The protagonist, Johnnie Faa, is a Gypsy who is caught...
The Dule Tree of Cassillis is a book written by William Robertson and published in 1903. The story is set in Scotland and revolves around the Cassillis family, who are known for their wealth and power. The book tells the tale of the Dule Tree, a tree on the Cassillis estate where...
This book is a historical novel based on the true story of the Cassillis feud in Scotland. Filled with intrigue, romance, and adventure, The Dule Tree of Cassillis is a thrilling read for anyone who loves historical fiction. This work has been selected by scholars as...