In the novel that catapulted him to international acclaim upon its publication in 1962, J.G. Ballard's mesmerizing and ferociously prescient The Drowned World imagines a terrifying future in which solar radiation and global warming has melted the ice caps, and Triassic-era...
Appearing in hardcover in America for the first time, this neglected Ballardian masterpiece promises to be a touchstone for environmentalists the world over. First published in 1962, J.G. Ballard's mesmerizing and ferociously imaginative novel not only gained him widespread...
This fast-paced narrative by the author of 'Crash' and 'Empire of the Sun' is a stunning evocation of a flooded, tropical London of the near future and a foray into the workings of the unconscious mind. Fluctuations in solar radiation have melted the ice caps, sending the planet...
A debut novel, set in London in the near future. The capital city has been flooded and transformed into a tropical location where social aberrations only serve as an indicator of the level of corruption of the modern mentality.
From one of the most powerful and original talents in science fiction comes the story of a new world--a strange world where solar radiation fluctuations have melted the polar ice caps, flooding the land and raising the temperature of the atmosphere.
When London is lost beneath the rising tides, unconscious desires rush to the surface in this apocalyptic tale from the author of 'Crash' and 'Empire of the Sun', reissued here with a new introduction from Martin Amis. Fluctuations in solar radiation have melted the ice caps,...