When thirteen-year-old Sophie and her friends Emily and Katsuro, decide to break into an abandoned manor house, she couldn't imagine her life would be in grave danger. While at the old house, Sophie steps into a dusty dining room to take some pictures for the school challenge when shining, coloured orbs come out of the mirror to perform a macabre dance in the middle of the room. Sophie is trapped, and the only way out is through a magical door which takes her to Akvarell, a world where troubles are frequent among the divided, coloured realms.
Sophie is now an interloper hunted by The Control, the anti-crime organisation, and by the Agents who want to get rid of any intruder by sending them to the Wan Tower, a dark, eerie prison from where people never return. On her adventure to find a way back home and escape imprisonment, she meets the Aranea-pixies, tiny creatures who can transform themselves into spiders. Besides helping her, they reveal a mystery regarding Sophie's family, which could make her stay in Akvarell for good.