Brought together for the first time in a single volume: The Diabolical Baron and Mad, Bad and Dangerous To Know. Jason Kincaid, 19th Baron Radford, casually makes a wager that will make the innocent Caroline Hanscombe his bride. Who would have dreamed that this elusive innocent...
"The Diabolical Baron was my first book. Much as I loved reading, I never dreamed I could write--until I bought a computer. Three months later I sold this story, and I've never looked back. Now, a dozen years later, it's a pleasure to see this traditional Regency available once...
A Classic Sweet Regency Romance A Wicked Wager! Rich, handsome, and fashionably jaded, Jason, Lord Radford, knows he must marry to get an heir, but assumes that any well bred young lady will do, so he offers for Caroline Hanscombe,...
"The Diabolical Baron was my first book. Much as I loved reading, I never dreamed I could write--until I bought a computer. Three months later I sold this story, and I've never looked back. Now, a dozen years later, it's a pleasure to see this traditional Regency available once...