A historical romance set in the horrific era of an Indian uprising during British colonial times. A good read. (Katie Hilton) Bio Dora Amy Elles (15 October 1877 - 28 January 1961), who wrote as Patricia Wentworth, was a British crime...
A historical romance set in the horrific era of an Indian uprising during British colonial times. A good read. (Katie Hilton) Bio Dora Amy Elles (15 October 1877 - 28 January 1961), who wrote as Patricia Wentworth, was a British crime...
The Devil's Wind is a novel written by Patricia Wentworth and first published in 1912. The story is set in India during the British Raj and follows the life of a young Englishwoman named Anne Beverley. Anne is sent to India to live with her aunt and uncle after the death of her...
The Devil's Wind is a novel written by Patricia Wentworth and published in 1912. The story follows the life of a young woman named Rosamund Kane, who is forced to leave her comfortable life in England and travel to India to marry a man she barely knows. Rosamund is quickly caught...
The Devil's Wind is a novel written by Patricia Wentworth and first published in 1912. The story follows the life of a young woman named Joan Carew who is forced to leave her home in England and move to South Africa to live with her uncle. However, she soon finds herself caught...