Charles, a young man yearning for self-discovery, embarks on a perilous ascent up Night's Edge Mountain. Determined to prove his worth, he leaves behind his love, Yuxin. After a catastrophic fall leads him to an old cabin, a mysterious well heals his wounds. Soon, Charles...
Charles, a young man yearning for self-discovery, embarks on a perilous ascent up Night's Edge Mountain. Determined to prove his worth, he leaves behind his love, Yuxin. After a catastrophic fall leads him to an old cabin, a mysterious well heals his wounds. Soon, Charles...
Charles, a young man yearning for self-discovery, embarks on a perilous ascent up Night's Edge Mountain. Determined to prove his worth, he leaves behind his love, Yuxin. After a catastrophic fall leads him to an old cabin, a mysterious well heals his wounds. Soon, Charles...
Charles, a young man yearning for self-discovery, embarks on a perilous ascent up Night's Edge Mountain. Determined to prove his worth, he leaves behind his love, Yuxin. After a catastrophic fall leads him to an old cabin, a mysterious well heals his wounds. Soon, Charles...
Charles, a young man yearning for self-discovery, embarks on a perilous ascent up Night's Edge Mountain. Determined to prove his worth, he leaves behind his love, Yuxin. After a catastrophic fall leads him to an old cabin, a mysterious well heals his wounds. Soon, Charles...