George Sand's classic novel (La Mare au Diable) about Germain, a young widower with three children who courts a lovely and wealthy widow while the two consider remarrying.
The Devil's Pool is one of a group of pastoral novels inspired by the countryside of Nohant in Berry, where George Sand grew up. These novels are simple stories of country life, in which Sand records local customs and manners, depicting a timeless idyll, unaffected by...
WORK IS IN FRENCH This book is a reproduction of a work published before 1920 and is part of a collection of books reprinted and edited by Hachette Livre, in the framework of a partnership with the National Library of France, providing the opportunity...
La Mare au diable est un roman de George Sand publi en 1846. La premi re dition est publi e Paris chez Desessart en 1846. G n ralement rattach la s rie de romans dits champ tres de George Sand, La Mare au Diable est un roman court qui d crit une intrigue amoureuse dans...
Two years after his wife's death, Germain is encouraged to move on and find a new woman and home to accommodate his three growing children. He travels to visit a single woman who is eager to start a new family. Following his daughter's death, P re Maurice has...
"The Devil's Pool" (1846) is a rural novel by George Sand, drawing from her childhood experiences of the countryside.
La Carta de Jamaica, de Sim n Bol var, es un texto de referencia en el programa bolivariano de emancipaci n de Latinoam rica. Es uno de los documentos pol ticos m s trascendentes de Sim n Bol var. La redact en respuesta a un comerciante brit nico que viv a en Jamaica, el...
The Devil's Pool is a classic novella written by French author George Sand.
Journey back to the bucolic French countryside with George Sand's timeless novel, "The Devil's Pool." Immerse yourself in the tranquil rhythms of rural life as you follow the captivating story of Germain, a hardworking and widowed peasant who is tasked with finding a new wife...
Un jeune veuf, Germain, vit avec ses beaux parents et ses trois enfants. Son beau-p re le pousse se remarier pour le bien des enfants. Germain accepte de rendre visite une veuve d'une r gion voisine qui cherche un nouvel poux. Il accepte d'accompagner Marie, une jeune fille...
Le p re Maurice conseille son beau-fils, Germain, veuf de 28 ans, de se remarier avec une veuve d'un village voisin. Lors du trajet pour aller la rencontrer, Germain se perd dans une for t et trouve un endroit o se poser pour la nuit, la Mare au diable, avec son fils, le petit...