From the moment that beautiful eighteen-year-old Minella Maddox saw Charles-Augueste, the haughty, arrogant Comte Fontaine Delibes, his satanic looks thrilled her with a sense of danger and excitement. The Comte, too, liked what he saw. He decided that he would marry Minella,...
From the moment that beautiful eighteen-year-old Minella Maddox saw Charles-Augueste, the haughty, arrogant Comte Fontaine Delibes, his satanic looks thrilled her with a sense of danger and excitement. The Comte, too, liked what he saw. He decided that he would marry Minella,...
F rste gang Minella ser den arrogante grev Fontaines Delibes komme ridende, kalder hun ham 'dj vlen til hest'. Hans dramatiske udseende b?de skr mmer og fascinerer hende, og det bliver et sk bnesvangert m de for hende. Selv om han er en berygtet don juan, kan Minella ikke f?...