The Destroying Angel is a thrilling novel written by Louis Joseph Vance. The book is set in the early 1900s and follows the story of a young man named Michael Lanyard, who is also known as ""The Lone Wolf."" Lanyard is a master thief who has retired from his life of crime and...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original...
The Destroying Angel is a novel written by Louis Joseph Vance, first published in 1912. The story is set in the early 1900s in New York City, and follows the life of a young man named Michael Lanyard, who is also known as ""The Lone Wolf"". Lanyard is a master thief who has retired...
"The Destroying Angel" from Louis Joseph Vance. American novelist (1879-1933).
"Then I'm to understand there's no hope for me?""I'm afraid not...." Greyerson said reluctantly, sympathy in his eyes."None whatever." The verdict was thus brusquely emphasized by Hartt, one of the twoconsulting specialists.Having spoken, he glanced at his watch, then at the...
"Then I'm to understand there's no hope for me?""I'm afraid not...." Greyerson said reluctantly, sympathy in his eyes."None whatever." The verdict was thus brusquely emphasized by Hartt, one of the twoconsulting specialists.Having spoken, he glanced at his watch, then at the...
"Then I'm to understand there's no hope for me?" "I'm afraid not...." Greyerson said reluctantly, sympathy in his eyes. "None whatever." The verdict was thus brusquely emphasized by Hartt, one of the two consulting specialists. Having spoken, he glanced at his watch, then at...
"Then I'm to understand there's no hope for me?" "I'm afraid not...." Greyerson said reluctantly, sympathy in his eyes. "None whatever." The verdict was thus brusquely emphasized by Hartt, one of the two consulting specialists. Having spoken, he glanced at his watch, then at...