The Demon Redcoat caps off C.C. Finlay's American Revolution secret history series Traitor to the Crown that started out very strongly with The Patriot Witch followed by A Spell for the Revolution. With The Demon Redcoat, Finlay again sets the proper tone enmeshing the reader in what daily life was like during revolutionary times yet making it all feel natural. The customs and dialogue are like something straight out of a...
The Traitor to the Crown series is a lot of fun, and a must-read for fantasy and historical fiction fans alike. I found the conclusion (which I will not ruin here) to be very satisfying and a great story in and of itself. I look forward to reading more from Finlay!
The plot is very interesting. The subject of wichcraft is presented in a very different way. The reader should get all three books to get a better flavour from the plot. I hope the author is planning in continuing with the story line at least thru the period of the WAR of Independance. Good read.
In 1779 the American War of Independence continues unabated. Having helped General Washington by using his magical skills, Proctor Brown decides it is enough as all he sees is blood flowing on both sides of the dispute. He, his wife Deborah the witch and a few friends relocate to a New England farm although the General pleads with him to help them in Europe. Even if he wanted to get back involved, he will not leave his...