This is a great book. At times it can get a bit repetitious, but over all it is very powerful.
Excellent book! it deals with the Fact of "being to do" instead of "doing to be" in other words the true self is the new man in Christ Jesus . If your identity is not from Jesus Christ thats the False you. Christ is to be formed in you, the false you is trying to work your way to be Christ like but the true self is being Christ like and the life of Christ Jesus flows from who you really are ,a word of God spoken into the earth,...
A wonderful sequel to Introduction to the Journey. M. Robert Mulholland is never a disappointment. Gives me much to think about and pray about.
Robert Mulholland excelles in this book filled with the tremendous insights from his experiences in life and insights on theology!
The Deeper Journey may not be a fast read, at least for me it wasn't because I paused to reflect on some pretty significant concepts. The author provides ample support to help you understand that we are to become transparent and vulnerable in our relationships and learn how to trust the genuine article. While the book takes you into deep self reflection on motives and openess, it also is not overwhelming or heavy handed...