The Daughters Of The Late Colonel is a short story written by Katherine Mansfield. The story revolves around two sisters, Josephine and Constantia, who are mourning the death of their father, a retired colonel. The sisters are left to deal with their father's belongings and the...
The Daughters of the Late Colonel is a short story by Katherine Mansfield, published in 1922. The story is about two sisters, Josephine and Constantia, who are struggling to come to terms with the death of their father, the late Colonel. They are both unmarried and have lived...
The Daughters of the Late Colonel is a short story by the renowned New Zealand author Katherine Mansfield. The story revolves around two sisters, Josephine and Constantia, who are mourning the death of their father, a retired colonel. The sisters are middle-aged and have lived...
""The Daughters of the Late Colonel"" is a novella written by Katherine Mansfield. The story revolves around two sisters, Josephine and Constantia, who are in their thirties and have just lost their father, a retired colonel. The sisters are left to deal with their grief and...