In seventeenth century England, a terrible accident forces orphaned Philip Marsham to flee London in fear for his life. Bred to the sea, he signs on with the "Rose of Devon," a dark frigate bound for the quiet shores of Newfoundland. Philip's bold spirit and knowledge...
Young readers who love a swashbuckling yarn will be captivated by The Dark Frigate, winner of the 1924 Newbery Medal as the year's most distinguished contribution to American literature for children. Abounding in intrigue, battles, and acts of derring-do, the story takes place...
Philip Marsham was bred to the sea as far back as the days when he was cutting his milk teeth, and he never thought he should leave it; but leave it he did, once and again, as I shall tell you. His father was master of a London ketch, and they say that before the boy could...
In seventeenth century England, a terrible accident forces orphaned Philip Marsham to flee London in fear for his life. Bred to the sea, he signs on with the Rose of Devon, a dark frigate bound for the quiet shores of Newfoundland.Philip's bold spirit and knowledge of the sea...
The Dark Frigate is a historical fiction novel written by Charles Boardman Hawes. The story is set in the 17th century and follows the adventures of Philip Marsham, a young man who sets out to sea to find his father. Along the way, he is forced to join a crew of pirates and becomes...
The Dark Frigate is a classic adventure novel written by Charles Boardman Hawes. The story is set in the 17th century and follows the adventures of a young orphan named Philip Marsham. After the death of his father, Philip is sent to live with his uncle in Plymouth, England...
The Dark Frigate is a thrilling adventure novel written by Charles Boardman Hawes. The story follows the young protagonist, Philip Marsham, who is the son of a wealthy merchant in 17th century England. After his father's death, Philip is sent to live with his aunt and uncle in...
The Dark Frigate is a novel by Charles Boardman Hawes that has been released in a large print edition. The story is set in the 17th century and follows the adventures of Philip Marsham, a young man who is forced to flee his home after being falsely accused of theft. He joins...
The Dark Frigate is a historical adventure novel written by Charles Boardman Hawes. The story is set in the 17th century and follows the adventures of Philip Marsham, a young man from a wealthy family who is forced to flee England after being wrongly accused of a crime. He joins...
The Dark Frigate is a historical novel written by Charles Boardman Hawes. The book tells the story of Philip Marsham, a young man who is forced to flee his home in England after being falsely accused of theft. He joins a group of pirates and becomes a member of their crew on...
The Dark FrigateBy Charles Boardman Hawes