A family finds the Mexican folk tale of the Weeping Lady, the Curse of La Llorona - a paranormal specter that returns from the dead to torment the living - is all too real in this gory horror film! When a failed suicide attempt places young, beautiful Hana in the cross hairs...
A family finds the Mexican folk tale of the Weeping Lady, the Curse of La Llorona - a paranormal specter that returns from the dead to torment the living - is all too real in this gory horror film! When a failed suicide attempt places young, beautiful Hana in the cross hairs...
La Llorona. The Weeping Woman. A horrifying apparition, caught between Heaven and Hell, trapped in a terrible fate sealed by her own hand. The mere mention of her name has struck terror around the world for generations. In life, she drowned her children in a jealous...
La Llorona. The Weeping Woman. A horrifying apparition, caught between Heaven and Hell, trapped in a terrible fate sealed by her own hand. The mere mention of her name has struck terror around the world for generations. In life, she drowned her children in a jealous...