The Curse of Grandma Maple is a novel for the upper-primary age range. It's a book for all kids, but especially for kids in rainbow families - families with LGBTIQ parents.
The Curse of Grandma Maple is not a story about having two mums or being a rainbow family, far from it. It's a story about a bunch of kids who leave the adults behind and head off to test themselves against the Canadian wilderness. It's about challenge and fear and how sometimes you have no choice but to face that fear. It's about wanting to do the right thing, but sometimes stuffing up. It's about family and having each other's back.
And, coincidently, there are two mums hovering at the edges of the story just doing what mums do - worrying, interfering, being annoying - but occasionally coming good by saying 'Yes' when it really matters. But the book is really about four cousins who get to spend a summer together and have an epic adventur