The Curlytops on Star Island or Camping Out with Grandpa is a children's book written by Howard R. Garis. It follows the adventures of the Curlytops, a group of siblings named Ted, Janet, and Trouble, as they go on a camping trip with their grandfather to Star Island. The children...
This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We believe this...
The Curlytops on Star Island or Camping Out with Grandpa is a children's book written by Howard R. Garis. The story follows the adventures of the Curlytops, a group of siblings named Ted, Janet, and Trouble, as they embark on a camping trip with their grandfather on Star Island...
Howard Roger Garis (April 25, 1873 - November 6, 1962) an American author, best known for a series of books, published under his own name, that featured the character of Uncle Wiggily Longears, an engaging elderly rabbit. Garis was possibly the most prolific children's author...
"Mother, make Ted stop " "I'm not doing anything at all, Mother " "Yes he is, too Please call him in. He's hurting my doll." "Oh, Janet Martin, I am not " "You are so, Theodore Baradale Martin; and you've just got to stop " Janet, or Jan, as she was more often called, stood in...