The Curlytops at Sunset Beach or What Was Found in the Sand is a children's book written by Howard R. Garis. The story follows the adventures of the Curlytops, a group of siblings named Ted, Janet, and Trouble, as they spend their summer vacation at Sunset Beach. While playing...
""The Curlytops at Sunset Beach"" is a children's book written by Howard R. Garis. It follows the adventures of the Curlytops, a group of siblings named Ted, Janet, and Trouble, as they spend their summer vacation at Sunset Beach. While playing on the sand, they stumble upon...
Howard Roger Garis (April 25, 1873 - November 6, 1962) an American author, best known for a series of books, published under his own name, that featured the character of Uncle Wiggily Longears, an engaging elderly rabbit. Garis was possibly the most prolific children's author...