The Curate's Home is a novel written by Agnes Giberne and first published in 1869. The story is set in a small English village and revolves around the life of a young curate named Arthur Leigh. Arthur is a kind and devoted man who is deeply committed to his work in the church...
The Curate's Home is a novel written by Agnes Giberne and published in 1869. The story revolves around the life of a young curate named Cyril, who has just been appointed to his first parish. Cyril is a kind and gentle man who is deeply committed to his faith and his calling,...
A classic example of Victorian fiction, this novel tells the story of a young clergyman who inherits an old house in the countryside. As he and his wife struggle to make a home for themselves in the dilapidated building, they uncover a secret that could threaten their happiness...
A classic example of Victorian fiction, this novel tells the story of a young clergyman who inherits an old house in the countryside. As he and his wife struggle to make a home for themselves in the dilapidated building, they uncover a secret that could threaten their happiness...