At twenty-one, Jinny Brownlow's life is not going as well as she had hoped. She's working at a dead-end typing job at an engineering firm and has just been dumped by her fianc for her own roommate. Outside of work her only hobby is her local theater group, but even there she's...
P? g?rden Cock Shield i 1800-talets England v?ntar den unga tj?nsteflickan Molly barn. Hon v?grar dock att avsl?ja vem som ?r fadern. Denna h?ndelse kommer att f?r?ndra allt f?r samtliga inblandade, inte bara tj?nstefolket utan ?ven gods?garen Angus McBain, hans hustru Delia...
N?got m?ste bli annorlunda snart i Jinny Brownlows liv. Hon ?r 21 ?r gammal, har ett maskinskrivarjobb utan n?gra framtidsutsikter och har precis blivit dumpad av sin f?stman. Inte ens p? amat?rteatern, som ?r hennes enda hobby, ?r hon mer ?n en figur i kulisserna. Men snart...
At twenty-one, Jinny Brownlow's life is not going as well as she had hoped. She's working at a dead-end typing job at an engineering firm and has just been dumped by her fianc? for her own roommate. Outside of work her only hobby is her local theater group, but even there she's...