This is the fifth book in the YA Paranormal Romance series "The mis-adventures of Alyson Bell" by Kristin Groulx, about the trials and tasks set forth by the Elders for teenage witch, Alyson Bell.
Rebirth has sprung forth it is springtime, and light finds herself out of the shadows of the dark winter's grasp. Light bravely winks between the leaves on the whispering trees, vulnerable to be so nakedly exposing herself for all to see, but trusting enough that those that do see her - her light relentless in her glory and strength - will see it for the beauty it is, the growth she will provide, like a mother's bosom. Light will regenerate a once sleeping world of buried seeds. Light has returned once more.
A new period in Alyson's teenage life has begun. It is a time of massive change, coming from old ways of darkness into the new ways of light, like moving through the phases of an eclipse finally to emerge anew. The vice grip that Hremm Nevar held on Alyson's celestial family is still not over. In essence, the battle has only just begun. The most important lesson of the soul to learn Love Never Perishes.
Join Alyson Bell inThe Crystal Goddess and the Wish Keeper, the fifth in the mis-adventures of Alyson Bell series. It is told from the perspective of teenager Alyson Bell.