Illustrated by George Morrow. A wonderful retelling of the stories of the First, Third, and Eighth Crusades, narrated by a fictional "wandering Jew" (cursed to live until the Second Coming of Christ), this classic work takes the reader on an epic rollercoaster ride of the triumphs,...
A wonderful retelling of the stories of the First, Third, and Eighth Crusades, narrated by a fictional "wandering Jew" (cursed to live until the Second Coming of Christ), this classic work takes the reader on an epic rollercoaster ride of the triumphs, tribulations, and ultimate...
Color edition. A wonderful retelling of the stories of the First, Third, and Eighth Crusades, narrated by a fictional "wandering Jew" (cursed to live until the Second Coming of Christ), this classic work takes the reader on an epic rollercoaster ride of the triumphs, tribulations,...