The dramatic and inspiring true story of a small town minister called to help inner city kids everyone else believed were beyond hope... David Wilkerson was just a young preacher in the Pennsylvania hills when he was stunned by a new calling from God: go to New...
"Go to New York City and help those boys." When David Wilkerson heard those words in his heart late one night, he was dumbfounded. The boys in question were members of a violent gang and on trial for murder. He himself was a young country preacher settled comfortably in a little...
The True Story of a Man Who Risked It All for God With over 15 million sold, this modern-day classic is now available in a new edition especially for young readers ages 9 to 12, complete with 30 illustrations that bring the story to life. This riveting story follows the young...
M?s de 500,000 ejemplares de este libro han sido vendidos. Wilkerson narra la historia ver?dica de su misi?n entre los drogadictos y pandilleros de Nueva York. «Si se me acerca -me dijo Nicky con voz torturada-, lo mato. -Podr?as hacerlo-le dije-...
M s de 500,000 ejemplares de este libro han sido vendidos. Wilkerson narra la historia ver dica de su misi n entre los drogadictos y pandilleros de Nueva York. Si se me acerca -me dijo Nicky con voz torturada-, lo mato. -Podr as hacerlo-le dije-. Podr as cortarme en mil pedazos...
The inspirational true story of a country preacher and his mission to the streets of New York City.