The Crock of Gold; The Twins; Heart; An Author's Mind; Probabilities is a collection of five works by Martin Farquhar Tupper, first published in 1850. The book includes the title story, The Crock of Gold, which tells the tale of a leprechaun who takes a man on a journey to find...
The Crock of Gold, The Twins, Heart, An Authors Mind, Probabilities (1850) is a collection of five works by Martin Farquhar Tupper. The first story, The Crock of Gold, is a fairy tale about a leprechaun who possesses a magical crock of gold. The Twins is a novel about two sisters,...
The Crock of Gold, The Twins, Heart, An Author's Mind, and Probabilities (1850) is a collection of five works by Martin Farquhar Tupper. The first and longest work, The Crock of Gold, is a novel that tells the story of a leprechaun named Tim O'Leary and his quest to find the...