By early December 2020, as many as 10,000 people were being infected with the Covid virus, every hour of every day, in the US alone. Up to two people were dying every minute, and many of those who survive will suffer lasting damage to their heart, lungs, brain, and other organs. Vaccines, while tantalizingly close, are unlikely to be generally available for everyone until the second quarter of 2021.
The virus is very real and very dangerous. But our public health authorities seem unable to coordinate between themselves and give us consistent messages on what we should and should not do, or what we can do to avoid an infection beyond wearing a mask, social distancing, and washing our hands. If we become infected, we're tragically told to do nothing except take it easy at home and hope our infection doesn't get worse.
You need more information and better information on all these points. You need this book. Although written to scholarly standards with lots of citations, it is written in simple clear terms for everyone to use and benefit from.
In four major sections, spanning 477 pages, and with a massive 780 footnotes, 650+ links to sources and extra material, 69 charts and graphs, and a matching website with updates and additional resources, this book gives you the knowledge about what to do and how to do it.
Topics covered include: