In this Newbery Honor book classic, young Sarah learns how to be brave even when the world is strange and new. In 1707, young Sarah Noble and her father traveled through the wilderness to build a new home for their family. "Keep up your courage, Sarah Noble," her...
In this Newbery Honor book classic, young Sarah learns how to be brave even when the world is strange and new. In 1707, young Sarah Noble and her father traveled through the wilderness to build a new home for their family. "Keep up your courage, Sarah Noble," her...
A brave eight-year-old girl leaves the comfort and security of her home to accompany her father into the wilderness of sixteenth-century Connecticut. Lifted from the pages of New Milford's colonial history, the story relates Sarah's journey into the unsettled land, where she...
Sarah and her father leave their family to build a home in wilderness of colonial America. The Newbery Honor book is available in this summer reading program edition.
An eight-year-old girl finds courage to go alone with her father to build a new home in the Connecticut wilderness, and to stay with the Indians when her father goes back to bring the rest of the family