A charming addition to Rizzoli's carefully curated program of bringing classic books back into print. This beautifully packaged facsimile of Edith Holden's original diary is filled with a naturalist's masterful paintings and delightful observations chronicling the English countryside...
For 70 years, this enchanting and unique volume lay undiscovered until, in 1977, a full-colour facsimile edition was published by Michael Joseph (UK), capturing all the freshness, charm and beauty of the original. It was an instant and lasting international success. The Country...
For 70 years, this enchanting and unique volume lay undiscovered until, in 1977, a full-colour facsimile edition was published by Michael Joseph (UK), capturing all the freshness, charm and beauty of the original. It was an instant and lasting international success. The Country...
A charming addition to Rizzoli's carefully curated program of bringing classic books back into print.
This beautifully packaged facsimile of Edith Holden's original diary is filled with a naturalist's masterful paintings and delightful observations chronicling...
Explore Countryside Flora and Fauna with This Classic Naturalist Every single page of Edith Holden's The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady is a celebration of beauty. Richly illustrated and hand lettered, this 1906 journal was never intended for publication, but rather to...
Explore Countryside Flora and Fauna with This Classic Naturalist Every single page of Edith Holden's The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady is a celebration of beauty. Richly illustrated and hand lettered, this 1906 journal was never intended for publication, but rather to...
A naturalist's delight, and a record-breaking gift book, back in print! In 1906, Edith Holden recorded in words and images the flora and fauna of the British countryside through the changing seasons. For 70 years, her enchanting journal lay undiscovered--until 1977, when...