It is the spring of 1942, and war ravages Europe and the Pacific Theaters. With her son Charlie, Ruth Scarsdale returns to the cotton farm of her parents while her husband Chester deploys to the South Pacific theater. The story unfolding in this historic telling is one that highlights the fear, despair, tension, estrangement, and emotional upheaval that comes to bear on Ruth, Chester, Charlie, and on those around them. The story told is also one of a woman finding a new commitment and happiness in the midst of turmoil. It's about a nine-year-old boy who struggles with how to cope in the midst of family upheaval and descension. It is also the story of an estranged farm couple who must struggle with their mixed feelings about the return home of their daughter and grandson and the emotional demands this makes on them. And lastly, it is the story of a flawed man who displays heroism in the midst of war's death and destruction.