Many Christians wonder what the Christian life is all about. They hear about "grace" but struggle to rightly understand it, much less live it. They are taught about God, but their vision of him does not always reflect the full biblical portrait of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. When this happens Christians struggle to know the ways of God and how to joyfully participate in his work.
The God Who Gives provides a compelling vision of Christian faith and life, helping readers discover the uniqueness of the gospel - that God's kingdom comes not by taking, but by giving - God gives Himself We are invited into the fullness of life that can only come through the gift of God's divine generosity.
Taking readers through the grand biblical narrative of creation, fall, redemption, and kingdom author Kelly M. Kapic helps us see our story in and through the story of Scripture. He shows that everything belongs to God, and yet because of our turning and taking from him we experience a kind of suffocating bondage to sin. So how does God reclaim us? God gives again. The God who gave in creation restores by recreating us through his Son and by his Spirit. The kingdom of God is an overflowing measure of divine generosity that we are invited to participate in.
The God Who Gives calls readers to discover that the whole Christian story is founded upon the Triune God's self-giving and our belonging to God. Fully embracing this truth changes how we view God, ourselves, and the world. Living in God's gifts, we are freed to give ourselves and truly experience life.
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DramaI think this is still a neat collectable. Comic, cross and holy water! A little of everything. A nice product and a nice gift for your Buffy, Slayer or Vampire fan!!
This trade collects issues 9, 10, and 11 as well as a bonus story. First off is a story entitled "Hey Good Lookin' pt. 1" which begins with Angel and Buffy having romantic times together in the graveyard. We see Selke (remember her from a few issues back?) all ugly and mangled and Buffy's mom is looking into plastic surgery at the same clinic as Selke. Buffy is also spotted by talent scouts at the mall who want her as a...
"Your Cheatin' Heart" continues the Selke storyline featured in this trade (issues 17-19 of the series). Buffy has a run-in with the Dark Slayer -- the dark slayer turns out to be a favorite with Cordelia because of her fashion sense, and the Dark Slayer advises the gang to make a clown float for a high school parade (ah, the unspeakable evil). Next is "She's no Lady" where the real Buffy is saved from the sewer by one of...
awesome story! the hardback comic is pretty neat with a gold embossed Buffy the Vampire Slayer written on it. The gold cross and silver clauddagh ring are kind of cheap, but you can't really expect a whole lot. They are all really neat, and the holy water is cool too. pretty much a neat showcase item for Buffy fans like me.
This installment of the Selke saga turns the focus from the diva vamp to Buffy and her friends. A clone takes over Buffy's life. But when she bonds with Cordelia, the gang becomes suspicious. The story flows well. The graphics add excitement. I particularly liked the show down between Buffy and her clone. I recommend this book to graphic novel lovers