The Contract is a novel by Margaret Cavendish that tells the story of Lady Lucretia, a wealthy and powerful woman who decides to take control of her own destiny by entering into a contract with a man named John, who agrees to become her servant and do whatever she asks of him...
The Contract by Margaret Cavendish is a classic novel that explores the themes of gender roles, power dynamics, and social norms. The story follows a young woman named Lady Lucretia who is forced into an arranged marriage with a wealthy merchant named Lord Derby. Despite her...
The Contract is a novel written by Margaret Cavendish, which tells the story of a young woman named Lady Lucy who is forced into a marriage contract with a man she does not love. The novel is set in the 17th century and explores themes of gender roles, power dynamics, and societal...
The Contract is a book written by Margaret Cavendish. It is a work of fiction that explores the themes of power, gender, and society in the 17th century. The story follows the protagonist, Lady Lucretia, as she negotiates a contract with her husband, Lord Hubert, to gain more...