The Constant Nymph chronicles the complicated relationships within two families, primarily focusing on the character of Lewis Dodd, a charismatic, talented composer, and Tessa Sanger, the teenage daughter of his mentor, whose passionate love defies societal norms. Set against...
Adapted by Margaret Kennedy, from her own novel, with Basil Dean.10 women, 10 men
Originally published in 1924, The Constant Nymph tells the story of how a teenage girl falls in love with a family friend, who eventually marries her cousin. The two girls show mutual jealousy over their common love for the man. The novel was a bestseller after it was first...
"Brilliant portraiture ... the clash between two incompatible worlds. Kennedy finds herself well to the front among novelists." - New York Times "The Constant Nymph is startlingly modern in its outlook, the bohemian world it conjures being in many ways...
Tessa is the daughter of a brilliant bohemian composer, Albert Sanger, who with his "circus" of precocious children, slovenly mistress, and assortment of hangers-on, lives in a rambling chalet high in the Austrian Alps. The fourteen-year-old Tessa has fallen in love with Lewis...
Tessa is the daughter of a brilliant bohemian composer, Albert Sanger, who with his "circus" of precocious children, slovenly mistress, and assortment of hangers-on, lives in a rambling chalet high in the Austrian Alps. The fourteen-year-old Tessa has fallen in love with Lewis...