In this revised and expanded edition based on her #1 New York Times bestseller The Confident Woman, Joyce Meyer taps into concerns and issues that many women commonly experience -- lack of confidence, poor self-image, dysfunctional relationships -- and provides...
In this revised and expanded edition based on her #1 New York Times bestseller The Confident Woman, Joyce Meyer taps into concerns and issues that many women commonly experience -- lack of confidence, poor self-image, dysfunctional relationships -- and provides...
DIOS LA HA CREADO PARA QUE SEA UNA MUJER SEGURA DE S MISMA, VALIENTE Y LIBRE; libre para ser usted misma, libre de la necesidad de compararse con los dem s, y libre para entrar al destino de Dios para su vida. Basado en su xito de ventas del New York Times, MUJER SEGURA...