A friend of mine gave me this book as a present many years ago and I believe it is wonderful. It was my first Bach's book and I think it is my favorite (followed by "Illusions") from his collection. No doubts that I love Bach's writings!!! This is a very short, kind, and sweet story, written on beautiful color paintings. It surely might represent an enormous impact on anybody's life, as it did on mine. Little Rae celebrates...
My oldest sister sent me this book for my first birthday away from home and family. I read the book and loved it, and put it away for a few years. I found the book again years later and reread it. I loved it even more. I have found that I get something different out of it with each subsequent reading. It is about life, and death, about hope and love. It is a spiritual affirmation about how we endure, and that love truly...
Bach has defined the meaning of the words "pure" and "simple" in what is marketed as a childrens book. I read this book and it brought tears to my eyes. I read it to my wife and 14 tear old daughter and it held no meaning for to them. Bach has laid a foundation for thought using very simple language that grows and develops with in a mind that is open and willing to see. If you are "ground bound" with no desire to think of...
Aprendí que realmente no estamos lejos de nadie, pues viajamos en el corazón de las personas que amamos. Además los dibujos del libro ayudan a inspirarnos, por ejemplo, el dibujo del colibrí es hermosísimo.
This is one of those rare books that has a timeless message and a simple beauty which belie its brevity. You can read this book in ten minutes. And, you can re-read it a hundred times and feel differently about it each time. Consider it the abridged Jonathon Livingston Seagull, but don't think of it as leaving out anything of importance. I particularly like this book because, in a few minutes, it helps me remember some...