This book is about the Computer Clubhouse -- the idea and the place -- that inspires youth to think about themselves as competent, creative, and critical learners. So much of the social life of young people has moved online and participation in the digital public has become an essential part of youth identities. The Computer Clubhouse makes an important contribution not just in local urban communities but also as a model for after-school learning environments globally. This model has been uniquely successful scaling up, with over 100 clubhouses thriving worldwide. Showcasing research by scholars and evaluators that have documented and analyzed the international Computer Clubhouse Network, this volume considers the implications of their findings in the context of what it means to prepare youth to meet the goals of the 21st century.
Book Features:
A successful, scalable model for providing at-risk youth a rich array of media design and computing experiences. Diverse examples of media created in the Clubhouse, ranging from digital stories, video games, interface designs, and digital art projects. Color photos of life in the Clubhouse, including youth projects. Interviews with stakeholders in the Clubhouse Network, from the director to coordinators at various international Clubhouses.