"A world-class practitioner of spy fiction."--Washington Post In this electrifying thriller from #1 New York Times bestselling author Daniel Silva, Gabriel Allon undertakes a search for a stolen Vermeer masterpiece and uncovers a conspiracy that...
"A world-class practitioner of spy fiction."--Washington Post In this electrifying thriller from #1 New York Times bestselling author Daniel Silva, Gabriel Allon undertakes a search for a stolen Vermeer masterpiece and uncovers a conspiracy that...
"A world-class practitioner of spy fiction."--Washington Post In this electrifying thriller from #1 New York Times bestselling author Daniel Silva, Gabriel Allon undertakes a search for a stolen Vermeer masterpiece and uncovers a conspiracy that...
"A world-class practitioner of spy fiction."--Washington Post In this electrifying thriller from #1 New York Times bestselling author Daniel Silva, Gabriel Allon undertakes a search for a stolen Vermeer masterpiece and uncovers a conspiracy that...
En el thriller m s reciente del autor bestseller del New York Times Daniel Silva, Gabriel Allon emprende la b squeda de una obra maestra de Vermeer que ha sido robada y descubre una conspiraci n que podr a llevar al mundo al borde del Armaged n nuclear. ...
"A world-class practitioner of spy fiction."--Washington Post In this electrifying thriller from #1 New York Times bestselling author Daniel Silva, Gabriel Allon undertakes a search for a stolen Vermeer masterpiece and uncovers a conspiracy that...