Motherless Ten-year-old Milcah Fox lives with her father and six younger siblings, collecting dropped scraps of coal in order to feed her poor and hungry family. Life for the Fox household is difficult, but the family hold themselves together with faith, love and their shared joy for stories.
One day, Milcah's father returns home with the body of an unconscious stranger in his cart. Milcah's father found the man drifting in the river and managed to save him. They barely have enough food to feed themselves, let alone to help another, but Milcah's father tells his children that they must always help a person in need, regardless of who they are and how needy they themselves might be. Milcah takes the lesson to heart, and after a few days under her care, the stranger wakes. He barely speaks and then he vanishes in the night. The family assumes that they will never see him again. Little do they suspect that their kindness to this one stranger will eventually change their lives forever... Rosie Swan, celebrated Victorian Romance author, does it again in this heart-warming tale of kindness despite overwhelming challenges. A beautiful tale you'll not want to end.