A foolish lion and a clever monkey provide laughs and lessons in this African folktale.
Our friend the very clever monkey is up to his old tricks in this humorous African folktale. The Clever Monkey Rides Again, as told by Rob Cleveland, takes place long ago in the African jungle where a terrible bully lion roamed. The lion played all sorts of mean tricks and childish pranks on all of the animals. They were too afraid of the lion to stand up to his bullying. That is, until our friend the clever monkey hears the nuisance and starts to laugh. He uses his trickery to embarrass the lion and his humiliation leads him to run away, never to return to that part of the jungle again. Readers will learn the importance of courage and resourcefulness, while also learning about the consequences of bullying.
This story comes from Africa. Variants of it can be found among Brer Rabbit tales, with Brer Rabbit in the role of the monkey and Brer Fox in the role of the lion. There is a similar story in Native American folklore entitled, "How Rabbit Fooled Wolf." Rob Cleveland is storyteller-in-residence at the Fernbank Museum of Natural History in Atlanta, Georgia and is the author of several Story Cove books.