I have never had serious skin problems- just the occassional outbreaks that I thought were normal for a woman my age with eczema. Now I know that my diet contributed to my skin problems. How do I know this? I can see the difference on my entire body. I did not go on the day by day prescribed diet he offers. Instead I read what was good and not so good and modified my diet and many of my favorite old recipes accordingly...
I picked up a copy of this book just before Christmas. No I cannot afford the Facial products he sells but I went to my local health food store and spotted items with similar ingredients. No I have not used the recipes either, but he lays out a good explanation of what supplements are needed, why, what foods contain them, what they do, etc. He also gives a list of inflammatory and inflammatory foods. And something I have...
Dr. Nicholas Perricone has masterfully changed the way we look at skin and beauty for the better. Years ago, you'd have to twist someone's arm to convince them that diet plays a huge role in clear skin. Though the diet/acne subject remains heated even among dermatologists I am relieved that Dr. Perricone sets forth the connection between diet and clear skin. Nutrition is a complex and personal subject. Dr. Perricone takes...
After seeing Dr. Perricone on Oprah I wondered if his methods could help me. I suffered from moderate acne since I was teenager. Now in my late twenties stress and poor eating habits had virtually ruined my complexion. I have tried every lotion and potion on the market, but always ended up with dry skin. His diet is simple to follow, and not only has my face cleared, but I have already lost four lbs. this week! I feel...