Treat your March-born friends and family to a bookish birthday! Did you know you can schedule ThriftBooks e-Gift Cards to be delivered on a specific date? Or If you'd rather give your March mates something special, we've put together a list of some of the hottest titles of the moment. Plus, learn about literary luminaries born this month.
From cozy to creepy, we've assembled a fall reading list that's perfect for curling up under a wooly blanket with a mug of hot tea in your hand. Hopefully there's something here that satisfies your autumnal mood.
This week we celebrate the birthday of acclaimed American-Canadian author John Irving, born on March 3, 1942. With a career that has spanned five decades, his work is marked by a tension between tradition and nonconformity, reverence and rebellion. Here we highlight five of his essential titles, as well as their screen adaptations.