Set against the backdrop of WW2, The Chronicle of the Versemaker transcends the typical "war story" genre. Instead, it delves into themes of speaking truth to power, courage, and redemption during the siege of Leningrad. At its heart is Joseph Orbeli, tasked with safeguarding the cultural heritage of pre-revolutionary St. Petersburg amidst the chaos of war. Joining forces with poet Anna Akhmatova and composer Dmitri Shostakovich, Orbeli confronts external threats from an advancing German army and internal challenges posed by a cash-strapped Bolshevik regime eager to sacrifice art for industrialization. As the city faces relentless bombing, a long-hidden chronicle emerges, threatening to expose the dark secrets of Tsarist and Bolshevik rule. Its revelation poses a dilemma for the Bolsheviks: protect their propaganda or risk the destruction of Leningrad.
The Chronicle of the Versemaker mixes equal parts of A Gentleman in Moscow, The Madonnas of Leningrad, and Doctor Zhivago to create a compelling read of three remarkable people pushed to their limits while navigating the complex interplay of art, politics, and faith during one of history's most brutal sieges. - Leningrad.