Alvirah Meehan, the lottery winner turned amateur sleuth, joins forces once again with private detective Regan Reilly to track down the beautiful ninety-foot tree that has been hijacked on its way to the Rockerfeller Center for the Christmas season.
Mary Higgins Clark, America's Queen of Suspense, and her daughter, bestselling mystery writer Carol Higgins Clark, have again joined forces to create a suspenseful and humorous holiday tale. Alvirah Meehan, the lottery winner turned amateur sleuth, teams up with...
Alvirah y su marido Willy ganaron la loter?a hace unos a?os y desde entonces se dedican a lo que m?s les gusta: las obras de caridad y resolver misterios. Para ello cuentan con Regan, la hija de unos amigos, casada con un inspector de polic?a. Los cuatro deciden ir a Vermont...