The child in the mirror is a compilation of poems encompassing the struggles of a troubled childhood; a childhood of abuse, a childhood of neglect and a childhood bordering on suicidal intent.
These poems were created to build an awareness of atrocities toward children, while also giving a voice to the voiceless.
They also encapsulate the reality of love and loss at a tender age, which have a serious impact on children in their formative years.
These poems also expose the horrific realities of a broken home, leading to stressful mental and physical trauma.
They also bring into focus what is in the mind of a child, but with the introspection of a middle aged adult. Interestingly, it would appear that it is at this mature stage in life, that adults tend to muster the courage to open up about painful events in their past.
The aim is that even one person will benefit from reading this book and realize that there is hope, despite adversity. If some child, young adult or even mature person, can relate to an experience expressed in one or more of these poems, may it bring comfort to know that someone has shared your experience and has now overcome to tell the tale.
It is my story. It is your story. It is the story of a child who is now an adult, looking back in time through the eyes of 'the child in the mirror'.