The Charterhouse of Parma (1839) is a compelling novel of passion and daring. Set at the beginning of the 19th-century in northern Italy, it traces the joyous but ill-starred amorous exploits of a handsome young aristocrat called Fabrice del Dongo. The novel's great achievement...
Richard Howard's exuberant and definitive rendition of Stendhal's stirring tale has brought about the rediscovery of this classic by modern readers. Stendhal narrates a young aristocrat's adventures in Napoleon's army and in the court of Parma, illuminating in the process the...
Written in just fifty-two days in 1839, "The Charterhouse of Parma" has since become known as one of Stendhal's finest works. Evidence of haste is infrequently apparent in this remarkable story, which follows the eventful life of the young Italian nobleman Fabrizio del Dongo...
Headstrong and na ve, the young Italian aristocrat Fabrizio del Dongo is determined to defy the wrath of his right-wing father and go to war to fight for Napoleon. He stumbles on the Battle of Waterloo, ill-prepared, yet filled with enthusiasm for war and glory. Finally heeding...
A novel by Stendhal a romantic thriller, interwoven with intrigue and adventures, the novel is also an exploration of human nature, psychology, and court politics. The novel is cited as an early example of realism, a stark contrast to the Romantic style popular while Stendhal...
Fabrizio soon came upon some cantini res, and the deep gratitude he felt toward the jailer's wife incited him to address them. He inquired of one of them as to where the Fourth Regiment of Hussars, to which he belonged, might be. "You would do much better not to be in...
..."De Waterloo la cour de Parme, le jeune Fabrice del Dongo, r vant de gloire, amoureux de l'amour, se laisse entra ner dans d'aventureuses passions, qui le m neront la captivit au sommet de la tour Farn se. C'est l , aupr s de Cl lia, la fille du gouverneur de la forteresse,...
Armance is the first novel written by the French author Stendhal. The book is set during the Bourbon Restoration.
Publi? pour la premi?re fois en deux volumes en 1839, La Chartreuse de Parme n'? connu son success que plusieurs ann?es plus tard, ce que Stendhal m?me semblait sp?culer d?dica?ant son roman To the Happy Few.Ce roman, dense d'aventure, d'amour et de po?sie est aujourd'hui un...
The Charterhouse of Parma (1839) is a compelling novel of passion and daring. Set at the beginning of the 19th-century in northern Italy, it traces the joyous but ill-starred amorous exploits of a handsome young aristocrat called Fabrice del Dongo. The novel's great achievement...
Balzac considered it the most important French novel of his time. Andre Gide later deemed it the greatest of all French novels, and Henry James judged it to be a masterpiece. Now, in a major literary event, Pulitzer Prize-winning poet and distinguished translator Richard Howard...