This book was recommended to me by my daughter's (she's 3 now) neurological developmental pediatrician at Children's Hospital. I only regret that I just now read it. The highly sensitive child chapter outlines my daughter's life from birth through today, as well as many of the frustrating feelings I've had as a loving, yet confused parent. The book helps show how to best parent each of the five different types of children...
I went into a bookstore in search of a different book but purchased this one instead after browsing through the chapter I identified as my 2 year old daughter, a highly sensitive child. I agreed with everything the author described in regard to this character, and I even found myself in the book. As a teacher and parent, I believe this is the best book I have seen in recognizing and nurturing the five different "challenging"...
I took this book out of the library because of my high-energy, aggressive 2 year old, and am now here to buy it because I need to have it by my bed until I memorize it!! Only half has been enormously helpful in thinking about his behavior. But the surprise is, all of my other kids are in here too, as well as me and my husband! Anyone with a strong personality was probably a difficult child, at least in some...
This title was recommended during a teacher orientation and it is easy to see why. This book should be required reading for anyone who is mentoring, teaching or parenting a special needs child.Feel the calm as you learn new techniques. Many of which are totally out of line as to what you may have been taught was normal or proper. Insightful, thoughtful and necessary.Emotional intellegence has never before been so clearly addressed...
Parents are often at a loss as to how a child "acts like this when it's not how he was raised". This book describes the unique, in-born personality and behavior traits which our children have, making some of them more challenging to deal with. With more understanding of their make-up and some specific strategies to try as parents and teachers, adults can feel more in control of the situation and children's unique needs can...