THE CDC MEMORANDUM is not a reading book per se. It is a spiral bound 8.5" x 11" double-spaced legal NOTICE to the directors of the U.S. FDA, CDC, and NIH evincing false information on official government records. Many covid-labeled deaths were not caused by covid. Vaccine deaths were hidden from the public. Hospital protocol deaths involved remdesivir, baricitinib, vancomycin, fentanyl, midazolam, lorazepam, propofol, dexmedetomidine, mechanical ventilation, and other drugs and procedures.
The memorandum begins with an explanation of purpose followed by 90 pages comprising 170 enumerated paragraphs of factual allegations. Some Minnesota names were changed on request. Otherwise, all facts expressed in the memorandum are accurate to official records.
A cursory legal analysis incorporating the factual allegations is then performed in the context of the crimes: uttering, involuntary manslaughter, felony murder, and depraved heart murder. The text ends with a letter to prospective grand jury members to investigate the included allegations of false writings and murder. The exhibits referenced in the text and included in the memorandum comprise 400 graphs in 170 pages.
--Beaudoin, John