This was the first Lilian Jackson Braun novel I have read. I loved it. I enjoyed reading about the cats and how smart Koko was. And how the cats knew the phone was going to ring 10 seconds before the phone rang. Qwill is called in the middle of the night by his former landlady, Mrs. Cobb. She has been hearing strange noises and was scared. He leaves to investigate and finds her dead. Many strange things are happening at...
Ms Braun is a master writer. I have personally read almost all of her "cat" books and each one stands on its own.....however, you know the characters as your own neighbors.
In the 10th book in the Cat Who mystery series, James Qwilleran aka "Qwill", is called late one evening by his dear friend, Iris Cobb. Iris has been frightened by some noises that she hears outside of her apartment at the Goodwinter Memorial Museum and begs Qwill to help her. Immediately throwing on clothes over his pajamas, Qwill rushes out to Iris' home, and arrives too late, only to find his former housekeeper already...
The cat series are just a pleasure to listen to. Lilian Jackson Braun has captured the essense of a good mystery, and George Guidall brings the charactures to life. Easy listening.
Yet another exciting mystery of the Cat Who series.This is a great book,and I highly reccomend that you read it.The ending will surprise you--it surprised me,anyway.