Bonus: Funny word problems at the end of the book for kids who want to sharpen their own Math skills.
PRAISE FOR THE MATH INSPECTORS: -"I thought this was going to be a sneaky way for me to get them to get some "math" worked into their reading. Turns out, I didn't have to be sneaky at all. My 9 and 10 year old both loved these books." Amazon Customer - "It made sense to my daughter and helped put the math she does on worksheets into perspective and gave her a real world use for math." Amazon Customer CRITICISM FOR THE MATH INSPECTORS: - "People who like math as much as the Math Inspectors do need to find another hobby. Like English, for example." Polly Partridge, leader of the Ravensburg English Club and avowed enemy of the Math Inspectors. - "Do you have any idea how much trouble the four of you are in?" Officer Bobby Evans, Ravensburg Police Department. MATH INSPECTORS BOOKS -Book One: The Case of the Claymore Diamond -Book Two: The Case of the Mysterious Mr. Jekyll -Book Three: The Case of the Christmas Caper -Book Four: The Case of the Hamilton Roller Coaster -Book Five: The Case of the Forgotten MineGET IT NOW