The Case of Miss R: The Interpretation of a Life Story is a book written by Alfred Adler, a renowned Austrian psychologist and founder of the school of individual psychology. This book is a detailed account of one of Adler's most fascinating cases, the case of Miss R, a young...
The Case of Miss R: The Interpretation of a Life Story is a book written by Alfred Adler. It is a detailed analysis of a case study involving a young woman named Miss R, who was struggling with various psychological issues. The book explores the various factors that contributed...
Originally published in 1929 the individual psychological interpretation of this autobiography was first presented by Alfred Adler to a group of psychiatrists and pedagogues in Vienna. The story of the development of a neurosis is told in this book. A young girl relates the...
The Case of Miss R: The Interpretation of a Life Story is a book written by Alfred Adler, a renowned Austrian psychotherapist and founder of individual psychology. The book is a case study of a young woman named Miss R, who sought Adler's help in resolving her emotional and psychological...