Step into the mind of the legendary detective with The Case-book of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle. Solve intricate mysteries alongside Holmes and Watson in this gripping collection. Featuring thrilling narratives, clever deductions, and a must-have addition for fans...
"His career has been a long one," Arthur Conan Doyle notes of his immortal creation, Sherlock Holmes. Doyle made his observation in the 1920s, when the detective had already been thrilling readers for 40 years, and he modestly attributed his hero's success to "the patience and...
The Baker Street Classics Sherlock Holmes collection is a retro-inspired full set of Conan Doyle's wonderful tales of the inimitable "consulting detective" at work. Featuring original illustrations from editions of the 1920s, this collection will adorn any booklover's shelf and...
The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes, the final collection of Sherlock Holmes stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle from 1921 to 1927, features his last 12 mysteries, including the only two stories narrated by Sherlock Holmes himself-"The Blanched Soldier"...
Contents[edit]The original chronological order in which the twelve stories in The Case-Book were published is as follows:"The Adventure of the Mazarin Stone" (1921)"The Problem of Thor Bridge" (1922)"The Adventure of the Creeping Man" "The Adventure of the Sussex Vampire" "The...
In this, the final collection of Sherlock Holmes adventures, the intrepid detective and his faithful companion Dr Watson examine and solve twelve cases that puzzle clients, baffle the police and provide readers with the thrill of the chase. These mysteries-involving an illustrious...
A volume of seemingly unsolvable mysteries, The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes features the final twelve short stories in Arthur Conan Doyle's famous detective series. First published in 1927, this volume is the last instalment in Arthur Conan Doyle's...