In The Call of the Wild, Buck, a domesticated dog, is stolen from his home in California and sold into sled dog slavery during the 1890s Klondike gold rush in Alaska. Forced to shed the comforts of civilization, he reverts to more primitive instincts and emerges as the...
Classic tales based upon the special relationships that dogs have with man. The stories contained are 'The Call of the Wild', 'Brown Wolf', and 'That Spot'.
When Buck is smuggled from his beloved home in the Santa Clara Valley and forced to work as a sled-dog in the frozen wilderness of the Yukon, he must forget the long, lazy Californian days and face a life of constant toil and danger under the whip of cruel or inept masters, where...
Classic tales based upon the special relationships that dogs have with man. The stories contained are 'The Call of the Wild', 'Brown Wolf', and 'That Spot'.
Study guide by John Creasy for The call of the wild and other stories: p. [G1]-G42.
Classic tales based upon the special relationships that dogs have with man. The stories contained are 'The Call of the Wild', 'Brown Wolf', and 'That Spot'.