The Call of the Canyon by Zane Grey is an iconic Western novel. It follows the story of a shell-shocked and ailing WWI veteran who instead of returning to his home and fianc? in the big city, finds himself in the American West where he discovers a new way of life. It's a story...
What subtle strange message had come to her out of the West? Carley Burch laid the letter in her lap and gazed dreamily through the window. It was a day typical of early April in New York, rather cold and gray, with steely sunlight. Spring breathed in the air, but the...
The Call of the Canyon is a classic western tale by Zane Grey.
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Shellshocked war veteran Glenn Kilbournen, in search of himself in the Arizona wilds, realizes that he can never return to his former superficial life, and puts up a fight against injustice. A masterful tale of adventure in the Old Wild West
Shellshocked war veteran Glenn Kilbournen, in search of himself in the Arizona wilds, realizes that he can never return to his former superficial life, and puts up a fight against injustice. A masterful tale of adventure in the Old Wild West
The Call Of The Canyon is a well-written novel by Zane Grey. The plot is based on Carley Burch, an orphaned woman who lives a socialite's life in New York City. Her fianc Glenn Kilbourne has gone West to Arizona, near Flagstaff, to recover his health after fighting in World...
This book is a historical literature and full of adventure. Glenn Killbourne and his fiancee Carley Burch find a strange test of their love in the mountains and canyons of Arizona. This book is a reproduction of an important historical work.
Zane Grey, original name Pearl Grey, (born Jan. 31, 1872, Zanesville, Ohio, U.S.--died Oct. 23, 1939, Altadena, Calif.), prolific writer whose romantic novels of the American West largely created a new literary genre, the western. Trained as a dentist, Grey practiced...
Zane Grey, original name Pearl Grey, (born Jan. 31, 1872, Zanesville, Ohio, U.S.--died Oct. 23, 1939, Altadena, Calif.), prolific writer whose romantic novels of the American West largely created a new literary genre, the western. Trained as a dentist, Grey practiced...